12th computer science important questions 2022 pdf

 12th computer science important questions 2022 pdf 

12th computer science important questions 2022 pdf
12th computer science important questions 2022 pdf 

Chapter 1 FUNCTION

1.What are called Parameters and write a note on

(i) Parameter without Type (ii) Parameter with Type


 Parameters are the variables in a

function defi nition and arguments are

the values which are passed to a function

defi nition.

Parameter without Type

 Let us see an example of a function

defi nition:

(requires: b>=0 )

(returns: a to the power of b)

let rec pow a b:=

if b=0 then 1

else a * pow a (b-1)

In the above function definition

variable โ€˜bโ€™ is the parameter and the value

which is passed to the variable โ€˜bโ€™ is the

argument. The precondition (requires) and

postcondition (returns) of the function

is given. Note we have not mentioned any

types: (data types). Some language compiler

solves this type (data type) inference

problem algorithmically, but some require

the type to be mentioned.

In the above function definition if

expression can return 1 in the then branch,

shows that as per the typing rule the

entire if expression has type int. Since the

if expression is of type โ€˜intโ€™, the function’s

return type also be โ€˜intโ€™. โ€˜bโ€™ is compared to

0 with the equality operator, so โ€˜bโ€™ is also

a type of โ€˜intโ€™. Since โ€˜aโ€™ is multiplied with

another expression using the * operator, โ€˜aโ€™

must be an int.

Parameter with Type

Now let us write the same function

definition with types for some reason:

(requires: b> 0 )

(returns: a to the power of b )

let rec pow (a: int) (b: int) : int :=

if b=0 then 1

else a * pow a (b-1)

When we write the type annotations

for โ€˜aโ€™ and โ€˜bโ€™ the parentheses are

mandatory. Generally we can leave out

these annotations, because it’s simpler to

let the compiler infer them. There are times

we may want to explicitly write down types.

This is useful on times when you get a type

error from the compiler that doesn’t make

sense. Explicitly annotating the types can

help with debugging such an error message.

The syntax to define functions is close

to the mathematical usage: the definition is

introduced by the keyword let, followed by

the name of the function and its arguments;

then the formula that computes the image

of the argument is written after an = sign. If

you want to define a recursive function: use

โ€œlet recโ€ instead of โ€œletโ€.

2.Explain with example Pure and impure functions.

Pure functions

Pure functions are functions which

will give exact result when the same

arguments are passed. For example the

mathematical function sin (0) always results

0. This means that every time you call the

function with the same arguments, you will

always get the same result. A function can

be a pure function provided it should not

have any external variable which will alter

the behaviour of that variable.

Let us see an example

let square x

return: x * x

The above function square is a pure

function because it will not give different

results for same input.

There are various theoretical

advantages of having pure functions. One

advantage is that if a function is pure, then

if it is called several times with the same

arguments, the compiler only needs to

actually call the function once. Ltโ€™s see an


let i: = 0;

if i <strlen (s) then

 — Do something which doesn’t affect s


If it is compiled, strlen (s) is called

each time and strlen needs to iterate over

the whole of โ€˜sโ€™. If the compiler is smart

enough to work out that strlen is a pure

function and that โ€˜sโ€™ is not updated in the

loop, then it can remove the redundant

extra calls to strlen and make the loop to

execute only one time. From these what we

can understand, strlen is a pure function

because the function takes one variable as a

parameter, and accesses it to find its length.

This function reads external memory but

does not change it, and the value returned

derives from the external memory accessed.

Impure functions

The variables used inside the

function may cause side effects though the

functions which are not passed with any

arguments. In such cases the function is

called impure function. When a function

depends on variables or functions outside

of its definition block, you can never be

sure that the function will behave the same

every time itโ€™s called. For example the

mathematical function random() will give

different outputs for the same function call.

let Random number

let a := random()

if a > 10 then

return: a


return: 10

Here the function Random is impure

as it is not sure what will be the result when

we call the function.



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