12th Physics Important Questions 2023 – 2024

 12th physics Important questions First = Mid Term (2023-24)


[Chapters- 1,2,3]




2m 3m:

1. coulomb’s law.

2. Diff blu Coulomb & Gravitational force.

3. Electric field.

4 Electric field lines. 

5.Electric field lines never intersect justify

6. Electric dipole

7. Electrostatic potential.

8″Equipotential surface.

9 ยทยทprop. Of  โ€œ

10.Electric flux.

11. Electrostatic Shielding.

12. polarisation,

13.Dielectric strength, 

14. Capacitance & whit

15. Corona discharge.

16. Gauss law from Coulombs’ law.

17. Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor. เผ‹

18- Energy stored in capacitor.

19. Torque.

20. Electric potential due to point charge..




1- Electric field due to axial & eq. line.

2. Electric potential due to electric dipole.

3 Electric field due to infinitely long charged wire

4. Capacitors in Series & parallel. 

5. Vande graff generator.




2m 3m:


1. Current density.

2.Drift velocity & mobility.

3. Ohms law.

4 ohmic & non- ohmic devices.

5 Electrical resistivity.

6. Temperature coefficient of resistance.

7. Electrical power ( P angle sqrt(L) ) expression.

8 Kirchoff Current & voltage rule.

9. Internal resistance of call.

to Joules law of heating.

11. Seback effect & application.

12- Thomson effect.

13 peltier effect.




1. Microscopic model of current,

2. Maaoscopic model of current & ohms law.

3. Resistors in Series & parallel.

4. Wheatstone bridge.

5. Comparison of amf by potentiometer 

6. Internal resistance of a cell by potentiometer.




2m 3m


1.Magnetic flux.

2. Coulomb’s inverse law.

3. Magnetic Susceptibility.

 4. Biot Gavart’s law.

5 “Magnetic permeability.

6 “Amperes cirquital law. 

7. dia, para and ferro -magnetism.

8 Hysteresis

9.Flemmings left hand rule.

10. Define Ampere

11. Magnetic induction.

12. Torque. Sm!


5 Mark


1.Magnetic field at a point due to infinitely long st-conductor 

2. โ€œโ€                    โ€œโ€                 due to circular coil carrying current

 3. Magnetic field due to axial & eqโˆ™line

4. Cyclotron.

5 Conversion of Galvanometer into an annmeter & voltmeter. 

6. Magnetic freed inside & outside the long solenoid. using

Amperes circuital law

7. Exp. for the force between the two parallel current-carrying conductors

  8. Exp. for the force on a current-carrying conductor. in a magnetic field.



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