Procedure SQL


Create table employee3(eno number(5) primary key.ename varchar(20),esalary number(20));

Table created.

insert into employee3 values(&eno, &cname”,&esalary);

Enter value for eno: 1

Enter value for ename: sri Enter value for esalary: 20000

old 1: insert into employee3 values(&eno, &cname’, &esalary)

new 1: insert into employee3 values(1, ‘sri, 20000)

I row created.

Enter value for eno: 2

Enter value for ename: zoya

Enter value for esalary: 30000

old 1: insert into employee3 values(&eno, ‘&ename’,&esalary)

new 1: insert into employee3 values(2,’zoya’,30000)

Irow created.

Create or replace procedure proc(a in number)is

2 name varchar(20);

3 no number 4 sal number

5 begin

6 update employee3 set esalay esalary+1000 where eno-a;

7 select ename, eno, esalary into name, no,sal from employee where eno=a;

8 dbms_output.put_line(“name:’||name|[‘eid: “[[no||’esalary:’||sal);

9 exception

10 when no data found then

11 dbms_output.put_line(‘no such id exist);

12 end:


Procedure created.

Set serveroutput on;


2 eno number

3 begin

4 proc(eno);

5 end;



set serveroutput on


2 al number;

3 b1 varchar(15)

4 cl number;

5 d1 number:

6 el number;

7 function it(X is number, Y is number)

$ return number

9 is Z number;

10 begin

11 if(X >= 50000) then12Z :=5000:

13 elsif(X>=20000) and (X < 50000) then

14Z :=25000

15 else Z:=0;

16 end if:

17 return Z;

18 end:

19 begin

20 el :=101

21 select eno, ename, salary into al . b 1,c1 from employee where

22 eno: el;

23 d1 := it (c1,el)

24 dbms_output.put_line(/EMPLOYEE NO:’||a1);

25 dbms_output.put_line(‘EMPLOYEE NAME:’||61):

26 dbms_output.put_line(‘SALARY:’||e1);

27 dbms_output.put_line(‘RANGE:’||d1);

28 END;




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