11th Chemistry
Top Most Important Questions
- Unit 1
- 1. Define relative atomic mass (26)
- 2. What do you understand by the term mole (27)
- 3. Define equivalent mass (28)
- 4. Distinguish between oxidation and reduction. (38)
- 5. What is the empirical formula of the following:
- i. Fructose ($C_6H_{12}O_6$) found in honey
- ii. Caffeine ($C_8H_{10}N_4O_2$) a substance found in tea and coffee
- 6. Balance the following equations by ion electron method. (4-4)
- 7. Balance the following equations by ion electron method. (4-5)
- Unit 2
- 8. State and explain pauli exclusion principle. (31)
- 9. How many orbitals are possible for n = 4? (27)
- 10. Explain briefly the time independent schrodinger wave equation. (33)
- 11. Give the electronic configuration of Mn and Cr+3 (39)
- 12. Write the aufbau principle. (4-6)
- 13. Describe the de Broglie wavelength (in cm) of a 160g cricket ball travelling at 140 km h-1
- Unit 3
- 14. What is modern periodic law (24)
- 15. Define effective nuclear charge? (26)
- 16. Define electronegativity. (29)
- 17. In what period and group will an element with Z = 118 will be present? (32)
- 18. Give the general electronic configuration of Lanthanides and actinides? (36)
- 19. Why halogens act as oxidizing agents? (31)
- 20. Mention any two anomalous properties of second period elements. (38)
- 21. Explain pauling’s rules for the determination of ionic radius (39)
- 22. Explain the periodic trend of ionisation potential (49)
- 23. Explain the diagonal relationship. (41)
- Unit 4
- 24. Discuss the three types of covalent hybrides. (23)
- 25. Do you think that heavy water can be used for drinking purpose? (29)
- 26. What is the use of heavy water (39)
- 27. Give water – gas shift reaction (30)
- 28. Explain the exchange reactions of deuterium (34)
- 29. How do you convert para hydrogen to ortho hydrogen? (35)
- 30. Mention the uses of deuterium (36)
- 31. Explain the preparation of hydrogen using electrolysis. (31)
- 32. Compare the structures of H2O and H2O2 (4-4)
- Unit 5
- 33. Why sodium hydride is much more water soluble than sodium chloride? (26)
- 34. Discuss briefly the similarities between Lithium and Magnesium. (30)
- 35. Discuss the uses of plaster of paris (33)
- 36. Mention the similarities between Beryllium and Aluminium (38)
- 37. Why alkaline metals are harder than alkali metals (34)
- 38. How a plaster of paris prepared? (40)
- 39. Give the uses of gypsum (4-D)
- Unit 6
- 40. State Boyle’s law. (26)
- 41. Name two terms that can serve as a mole for gay lussac’s law and explain. (21)
- 42. What are ideal gases? (29)
- 43. Can van der walls gas with a = 0 be liquefied? explain (30)
- 44. Distinguish between diffusion and effusion (37)
- 45. Write the van der waals equation for a real gas (40)
- 46. Explain correction term for pressure and volume (40)
- 47. Derive the values of critical constants in terms of van der waals constant (4-1)
- Unit 7
- 48. State the first law of thermodynamics (26)
- 49. Define Hess’s law of constant heat summation (29)
- 50. Define intermolecular properties with two examples (40)
- 51. Explain is Gibb’s free energy (32)
- 52. Define enthalpy of combustion (33)
- 53. Define enthalpy of reaction. Give it’s unit (34)
- 54. Define enthalpy of neutralization (36)
- 55. Define molar enthalpy (37)
- 56. What a lattice energy (37)
- 57. What are state and path functions?
- 58. Give two examples (38)
- 59. Give kalvin state met of second law of thermodynamics (39)
- 60. State the third law of thermodynamics (40)
- 61. State various statements of second law of thermodynamics (45)
- 62. Define chemical bond energy (47)
- 63. List the characteristics of Gibb’s free energy (62)
11th Chemistry
Top Most Important Questions
Unit | Question |
Unit 1 |
Unit 2 |
Unit 3 |
Unit 4 |
Unit 5 |
Unit 6 |
Unit 7 |
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